A Chilean building that I like: Bahái´s temple

A building that I like a lot is Bahái´s temple, it is located in the borough of Peñalolen. What I like about this building is his architecture, it gives the impression that it is spining. Due to his localization, you can view the whole city from above, in a beautiful place that is surrounded by many gardens and trees.
A couple of months before, we went to that place with my girlfriend. We knew where to get off the bus, but didnt know we would have to walk almost 2 kilometers to reach the temple! Once we reached the parking lot, we walked toward the big temple, I remember it was so cold and a little bit rainy. We took photos from the outside and the view, then we silently entered the temple. Inside it, we couldnt make noise or take pictures, the place was envolved by a feeling of peace and tranquility. We could see outside because the walls were made of glass and iron, and the sound of the wind was inaudible.

I had never had the experience of being in a temple with so many people and everything being so quiet and silent. We went to the temple in august so we expected not so many people, but in fact there was a lot of people because it was a sunday, many of them had umbrellas in case of rain.
A great experience that i would like to repeat with another person, maybe an architect, so he could teach me about the internal and external structure of the temple, as well as the reason of the localization.


  1. I visited it two years ago with my classmates from "Construcción II" with the professor Pfenniger (I highly recommend him for your future choices) and we just watched the skeleton of the iron-steel structure.
    Haven't visited it as "finished building" yet because a lot of my high school friends who moved to Santiago have been taking photos of themselves with the building as background lol but I how to do it during summer holidays

  2. Hi, I've never been able to visit it, but the meeting is a wonderful place to visit, I hope it's a bit of time.


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